The days are starting to get shorter. The weather is cooler now. Sure, there will be some hot days still ahead, but a definite trend towards cooler temperatures has come.
What kind of changes are you facing in your life? Change for the better, or change for the worse. I feel down tonight. I don't like to feel this way and when I do, I work at changing my state for the better immediately. I wrote about how to do this in my set of books in The Self-Healing System. I will walk you through what I do. I expect by the end of this post I will be on top of the world again! The problem is with the energy I am holding on to. A sort of 'nostalgia feeling' that the past is better than the future. I have had this feeling for 6 lifetimes. A long time to carry the garbage in my mind! What to do about it? Destroy it. It is a separate self that has been siphoning off my energy and living in my consciousness for 6 lifetimes. Just like that... it is gone. That is how easy and fast it is to change one's state for the better. Expressed another way: that is how long something can stay with us if we don't work to change it. When the separate self was gotten rid of, it left a vacuum in my consciousness. I pray for that vacuum to be filled with love and light. Ten frequencies are needed to fill it, I invite them all in now.
I feel a state of silent peace now. All is well! Afterword: The description of how to do what I did in this post is available in my books: "Energies of Consciousness and How to Transform Them", and "I Don't Feel like Myself Today..." Or you can contact me if you would like to learn more! The list of energies in the first book (Energies of Consciousness) is antiquated now, because the Earth has made a pronounced upward shift since I wrote it, but the procedures for transforming energy are still valid!