This post is about something new I found. It's not described in any of my books, but it is closest to the material presented in Levels, Colors and Elements of Being.
I have found that putting my eyes at different positions can make me test weak with muscle testing. We can break it down to the twelve positions of the clock, to make discussion simpler. So looking straight up (12 o'clock position), for example, could make you give a negative result when muscle testing, if there is weakness there. A thirteenth position is looking with both eyes into the middle - not necessarily crossing them, but focussing them about six inches away. A way to do this is to look at your finger, holding it six inches from your nose, and focussing your eyes on it.
So, how do you fix this? A good way could be affirmations, if you could find the belief in consciousness that is causing the weakness. I find it is much simpler just to pray for healing of this part of the field. All you have to do is say, "Dear God, I pray for healing of this part of my field", while holding your eyes in the position that causes weakness. I have found that it is very easy to heal this - maybe only four repetitions would be necessary. So, you can heal yourself in less than a minute!
I also found that problems tended to recur several times over the course of a few weeks, needing healing again. It's easy to fix this problem each time. Now there doesn't seem to be any issue in my visual field with these weaknesses.
Try it yourself! Post whatever you find in the comments below!
All the best,